佛山市南海永恒头盔制造有限公司18年来专注于摩托车头盔生产,是广东省最具规模的头盔专业制造商之一。本公司坐落在广东省佛山市南海区九江镇烟南工业区,总投资人民币6000多万元,占地29000平方米,另有25000平方米新厂于2008年6月建成投产,年生产能力350余万顶。公司有独立的镜片厂、EPS厂及花纸厂等及专业研发团队,多款头盔先后取得美国DOT及欧洲ECE、巴西NBR、日本SG等国际认证,企业于2002年取得了IS09001:2000认证,在各地质量技术监督局有良好的信誉。 公司拥有专业的全套意大利检测设备,可依据GB、DOT、ECE、NBR、SG、AS等标准要求对头盔进行检测,公司拥有强大的研发、生产和营销管理团队,公司产品选料优良、外观美观时尚、制作工艺精良。公司以诚信经营为根本宗旨,注重保持和维护与客户、消费者之间的良好关系,客户群体遍及欧美、大洋洲等48个国家和地区,受人喜爱的YOHE品牌头盔已远销到22个国家和地区。“YOHE”“永恒”系列民用盔、赛车专用盔及ATV专用头盔,深得消费者喜爱。2009年初,“YOHE”商标喜获“广东省著名商标”荣誉称号,此为业界先河。公司将以“安全时尚,永恒保障” 为产品理念,本着“诚信”“卓越”“创新、领先”的原则,传播正确的头盔安全产品消费文化和公司经营宗旨。18年来,永恒公司逐步建立了独立的R&D、OEM、ODM 研发设计—制造—营销体系,致力于成为国内头盔行业的标杆企业。在此,公司全体员工衷心感谢广大合作伙伴的鼎力支持,愿为更多的永恒头盔佩戴者铸就更坚强的保障!Located in Foshan, Guangdong province, one of the largest helmet factories YOHE HELMET MANUFACTUREING CO.LTD has specialized in manufacturing motorcycle helmets since 1993. YOHE not only owns a factory of over 7 acre with about nine million U.S Dollars investment, but a new branch factory over 6 acre with a yield of 3.5 million pieces helmets per year had been running from June, 2008 as well.With experience in motorcycle helmet field for years, YOHE not only is able to carry out ISO9001:2000 standard but also is capable of research and developing many kinds of helmets to meet different standards in the world. Apart from the complete helmet production line including shell production (ABS and FRP), painting, sewing and assembly, YOHE also expanded her production chain with the investment of the EPS factory and decal factory. Armed with a high-tech test equipment; YOHE can test many sorts of indexes according to GB Standard, DOT Standard, ECE Standard, NBR standard and SG standard etc. It is YOHE’s goal to provide high quality helmet with reasonable price to the ODM, OEM and other customers around the world. YOHE has a large circle of customers from all over the world due to its good quality and honest business relationship with clients. With reference to the items mentioned YOHE has the self-confidence to bring you the total solutions of motorcycle helmet. You are highly welcome to visit our company at any time. 请求职者通过智通人才网招聘系统应聘本公司的职位,或者通过本公司在智通人才网上留下的联系方式与本公司联系,本公司不会用手机或者小灵通的方式联系求职者,也不会在本公司所在地以外地点对求职者进行面试,请悉知。